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Wise & Otherwise Unabridged Edition (Audiobook) has short, insightful anecdotes, moral fables and stories truly stand out as soliloquies of the mind, and the reader is fascinated and is forced to ponder on the issues being discussed.

About The Author

Smt. Sudha Murthy is a multi-faceted personality. She has implemented several programs for the development of human society at large and has contributed significantly to social upliftment through the Infosys Foundation. Her writing contains life's many facets, corruption and human misery, double standards as well as human values and ideals which she has encountered in her many travels and social work.

CD Information

No. of discs: - 1 (Compact Discs)

Running Time:- 3 Hrs. 30 Min.


Specifications of Wise & Otherwise Unabridged Edition (Audiobook)

Publisher Bookstalk Audiobooks
Publication Year 2011
ISBN-13 9789381215036
ISBN-10 9381215036
Language English
Edition Unabridged Edition
Binding Audiobook
Number of Discs MP3 CD
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Wise & Otherwise Unabridged Edition (Audiobook) has short, insightful anecdotes, moral fables and stories truly stand out as soliloquies of the mind, and the reader is fascinated and is forced to ponder on the issues being discussed.

About The Author

Smt. Sudha Murthy is a multi-faceted personality. She has implemented several programs for the development of human society at large and has contributed significantly to social upliftment through the Infosys Foundation. Her writing contains life's many facets, corruption and human misery, double standards as well as human values and ideals which she has encountered in her many travels and social work.

CD Information

No. of discs: - 1 (Compact Discs)

Running Time:- 3 Hrs. 30 Min.


Specifications of Wise & Otherwise Unabridged Edition (Audiobook)

Publisher Bookstalk Audiobooks
Publication Year 2011
ISBN-13 9789381215036
ISBN-10 9381215036
Language English
Edition Unabridged Edition
Binding Audiobook
Number of Discs MP3 CD
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Wise & Otherwise Unabridged Edition (Audiobook)

Wise & Otherwise Unabridged Edition (Audiobook) has short, insightful anecdotes, moral fables and stories truly stand out as soliloquies of the mind, and the reader is fascinated and is forced to ponder on the issues being discussed.

About The Author

Smt. Sudha Murthy is a multi-faceted personality. She has implemented several programs for the development of human society at large and has contributed significantly to social upliftment through the Infosys Foundation. Her writing contains life's many facets, corruption and human misery, double standards as well as human values and ideals which she has encountered in her many travels and social work.

CD Information

No. of discs: - 1 (Compact Discs)

Running Time:- 3 Hrs. 30 Min.


Specifications of Wise & Otherwise Unabridged Edition (Audiobook)

Publisher Bookstalk Audiobooks
Publication Year 2011
ISBN-13 9789381215036
ISBN-10 9381215036
Language English
Edition Unabridged Edition
Binding Audiobook
Number of Discs MP3 CD
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