Demo will reset in:


Event Tickets

Running autotoc object(Joomla\CMS\Version)#2201 (0) { } object(stdClass)#2110 (49) { ["id"]=> string(1) "9" ["asset_id"]=> string(2) "53" ["title"]=> string(41) "J!Ticketing- Paid Events & Ticketing Demo" ["alias"]=> string(11) "j-ticketing" ["introtext"]=> string(4647) "

Wouldn't it be Awesome if you could let users sell Tickets of Events on your website & you earn a nice commission on every sale?

Run your own mini Eventbrite within your own site? Jticketing from Techjoomla lets you do just that ! Get this extension today & let your Cash Register starting ringing :) 

 To read more information about jTicketing & its features, Click here.

How to See the demo ?

Ideally you need to see the demo in both modes - As an Event creator as well as a ticket buyer. Follow the instructions below for each of these roles. 

Vendor  Perspective Demo

Event Creation & Setup for Ticket Selling

  • Login the site with provided user credentials on the home page.
  • To create your own event & set ticket types & fees, click here. 
  • You can see Other Event Manager perspective menus in the menu provided. For instance, Orders, Payout Reports etc. 

Ticket Buyer Perspective Demo

  • You can also browse existing Events to see the Ticket Purchase Flow.
  • Its not a must for you to be logged in to purchase a ticket. 
  • Other buyer perspective menus like My Ticket Orders, My Tickets etc are also available in the menu for you to demo. 

Test Payments in Sandbox Mode

So that you can test the Payment as well, we have setup the demo on Sandbox (Test) mode with . Note that the product supports many more gateways !

Use the following card details to checkout. 

  • Visa Demo Card Number : 4007000000027
  • CVV Number : 111
  • Expiry Date : Any future date

Testing the IOS & Android Apps for Event Managers

The JTicketing Event Manager's application lets Event Owners/Organisers manage their events easily by Checking in attendees at their Event using JTicketing's awesome Scan & Add and Search & Add Features. The test application can be downloaded for free . Know more about the app here. 


In order to test, download the app & follow instructions as below to configure the applications.

  • In the configure app screen, enter the site url as 
  • Configure the login details as one of the demo users. For example techdemo1/techdemo1
  • Create a new event on the site with the same user or use one of the existing events to test the functions of the application. 

Done with the Demo ? Want to Dig Deeper Still ??

Demos work great till an extent.. However,  the best way to try a product is to actually use it hands on !  

We do not offer free trials of our products, but we do have a 7 Days Money back policy.  So if the product seems like a good fit, go ahead & buy it today ! We are there to help you try it out, support you with any questions you might have ! 

Buy JTicketing Now 

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Wouldn't it be Awesome if you could let users sell Tickets of Events on your website & you earn a nice commission on every sale?

Run your own mini Eventbrite within your own site? Jticketing from Techjoomla lets you do just that ! Get this extension today & let your Cash Register starting ringing :) 

 To read more information about jTicketing & its features, Click here.

How to See the demo ?

Ideally you need to see the demo in both modes - As an Event creator as well as a ticket buyer. Follow the instructions below for each of these roles. 

Vendor  Perspective Demo

Event Creation & Setup for Ticket Selling

  • Login the site with provided user credentials on the home page.
  • To create your own event & set ticket types & fees, click here. 
  • You can see Other Event Manager perspective menus in the menu provided. For instance, Orders, Payout Reports etc. 

Ticket Buyer Perspective Demo

  • You can also browse existing Events to see the Ticket Purchase Flow.
  • Its not a must for you to be logged in to purchase a ticket. 
  • Other buyer perspective menus like My Ticket Orders, My Tickets etc are also available in the menu for you to demo. 

Test Payments in Sandbox Mode

So that you can test the Payment as well, we have setup the demo on Sandbox (Test) mode with . Note that the product supports many more gateways !

Use the following card details to checkout. 

  • Visa Demo Card Number : 4007000000027
  • CVV Number : 111
  • Expiry Date : Any future date

Testing the IOS & Android Apps for Event Managers

The JTicketing Event Manager's application lets Event Owners/Organisers manage their events easily by Checking in attendees at their Event using JTicketing's awesome Scan & Add and Search & Add Features. The test application can be downloaded for free . Know more about the app here. 


In order to test, download the app & follow instructions as below to configure the applications.

  • In the configure app screen, enter the site url as 
  • Configure the login details as one of the demo users. For example techdemo1/techdemo1
  • Create a new event on the site with the same user or use one of the existing events to test the functions of the application. 

Done with the Demo ? Want to Dig Deeper Still ??

Demos work great till an extent.. However,  the best way to try a product is to actually use it hands on !  

We do not offer free trials of our products, but we do have a 7 Days Money back policy.  So if the product seems like a good fit, go ahead & buy it today ! We are there to help you try it out, support you with any questions you might have ! 

Buy JTicketing Now 

" ["tags"]=> object(Joomla\CMS\Helper\TagsHelper)#2126 (4) { ["tagsChanged":protected]=> bool(false) ["replaceTags":protected]=> bool(false) ["typeAlias"]=> NULL ["itemTags"]=> array(0) { } } ["jcfields"]=> array(0) { } }

J!Ticketing- Paid Events & Ticketing Demo

Wouldn't it be Awesome if you could let users sell Tickets of Events on your website & you earn a nice commission on every sale?

Run your own mini Eventbrite within your own site? Jticketing from Techjoomla lets you do just that ! Get this extension today & let your Cash Register starting ringing :) 

 To read more information about jTicketing & its features, Click here.

How to See the demo ?

Ideally you need to see the demo in both modes - As an Event creator as well as a ticket buyer. Follow the instructions below for each of these roles. 

Vendor  Perspective Demo

Event Creation & Setup for Ticket Selling

  • Login the site with provided user credentials on the home page.
  • To create your own event & set ticket types & fees, click here. 
  • You can see Other Event Manager perspective menus in the menu provided. For instance, Orders, Payout Reports etc. 

Ticket Buyer Perspective Demo

  • You can also browse existing Events to see the Ticket Purchase Flow.
  • Its not a must for you to be logged in to purchase a ticket. 
  • Other buyer perspective menus like My Ticket Orders, My Tickets etc are also available in the menu for you to demo. 

Test Payments in Sandbox Mode

So that you can test the Payment as well, we have setup the demo on Sandbox (Test) mode with . Note that the product supports many more gateways !

Use the following card details to checkout. 

  • Visa Demo Card Number : 4007000000027
  • CVV Number : 111
  • Expiry Date : Any future date

Testing the IOS & Android Apps for Event Managers

The JTicketing Event Manager's application lets Event Owners/Organisers manage their events easily by Checking in attendees at their Event using JTicketing's awesome Scan & Add and Search & Add Features. The test application can be downloaded for free . Know more about the app here. 


In order to test, download the app & follow instructions as below to configure the applications.

  • In the configure app screen, enter the site url as 
  • Configure the login details as one of the demo users. For example techdemo1/techdemo1
  • Create a new event on the site with the same user or use one of the existing events to test the functions of the application. 

Done with the Demo ? Want to Dig Deeper Still ??

Demos work great till an extent.. However,  the best way to try a product is to actually use it hands on !  

We do not offer free trials of our products, but we do have a 7 Days Money back policy.  So if the product seems like a good fit, go ahead & buy it today ! We are there to help you try it out, support you with any questions you might have ! 

Buy JTicketing Now 

- Did you know that Tekdi also offers AIR & Appcelerator based services ?

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