Demo will reset in:


Your Cart is Empty
Running autotoc object(Joomla\CMS\Version)#2208 (0) { } object(stdClass)#2117 (49) { ["id"]=> string(2) "21" ["asset_id"]=> string(2) "80" ["title"]=> string(10) "Quick2Cart" ["alias"]=> string(10) "quick2cart" ["introtext"]=> string(7464) "

Flexible, Social E commerce for Joomla !

Quick2Cart is a super flexible shopping cart with Multi Vendor, Multi Store & awesome Social Integrations. Plus you have the option to use the native Product manager or integrate with CCKs like Zoo, K2 or even Joomla Content.  Whether you are looking for a Social Ecommerce Solution or a solution to convert your favorite CCK into a shopping cart, Quick2Cart is your best bet ! Know more about Quick2Cart here

How to See the demo? 

Quick2Cart being very flexible can be used in many avatars. This demo will attempt to show you all these sides of Quick2Cart's multifaceted personality !  Use the demo menu shown alongside to try each of these functions. 

Quick2Cart - Quick & Painless Ecommerce in a Single Vendor Scenario with the Native Product Manager

The best way to get a simple store online is to use Quick2Cart with the native product manager. With basic fields & a intuitive interface, you can create products with the attributes you need, setup your favourite payment gateway & go live with ease.  

Quick2Cart - The CCK Cart for Zoo, K2, FlexiContent & Joomla Content

In many cases you will want to use a full fledged content construction kit to give you lots of fields to best showcase your products. Quick2Cart supports using any of the popular CCKs like Zoo, K2, Flexicontent or even simple Joomla content for its Product management. Whether you already have a CCK based catalog you are looking to convert into a store or starting afresh, Quick2Cart as a CCK Cart can give you immense Value.

Checkout the various CCK Demos with links given under CCK integrations via the Menu alongside. 

Quick2cart as a Social Ecommerce Platform with Easysocial

Quick2Cart provides tight Social integrations with Easysocial to turn your site into an extremely Viral Social Ecommerce system. Quick2Cart is typically used as a market place when used with Social networking extensions like Easysocial. For seeing Quick2Cart in a Social context use the 'Social Ecommerce' menu along side to see various things like the Profile Store & products plugins, Activity Stream integration etc. 

Quick2Cart Marketplace with Multi Vendor & Multi Store

With the Multivendor & Multistore modes, in builder vendor payouts & commissions Quick2Cart can help you setup a great Market place on your site.  

Checkout the menu 'Multi Vendor Cart' the Menu alingside to get a feel of vendor perspective.

Quick2Cart downloadable products

Quick2Cart supports paid and free downloadable products. You can use the 'Downloadable Product' link from the Menu alongside to try them out.

You will find all the downloads which you have purchased in My Downloads link present inside Buyer's Account.


How to See the Backend(Admin) Demo?

Login  to the Admin area with provided admin user credentials on the home page.

Native Product Manager & Categories

Native product manager is a simple online store, with basic fields and attribute support. You will find all products from native product manager in Quick2Cart->Products view. You can also create or edit any product. Similarly you will find the native product manager categories in Quick2Cart->Categories .

All placed Order around site

 All orders placed on the site will be seen here. Goto Quick2Cart->Order view, to see a list of all the orders along with their payment status.

Payout reports

 Goto Quick2Cart->Payout reports view to see all payouts generated. You can also generate a new payout for a vendor.


You can create discount coupons for buyers. Goto Quick2Cart->Coupons to see a list of coupons.

Done with the Demo ? Want to Dig Deeper Still ??

Demos work great till an extent.. However,  the best way to try a product is to actually use it hands on !  

We do not offer free trials of our products, but we do have a 7 Days Money back policy.  So if the product seems like a good fit, go ahead & buy it today ! We are there to help you try it out, support you with any questions you might have ! 

Buy Quick2Cart Now 

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Flexible, Social E commerce for Joomla !

Quick2Cart is a super flexible shopping cart with Multi Vendor, Multi Store & awesome Social Integrations. Plus you have the option to use the native Product manager or integrate with CCKs like Zoo, K2 or even Joomla Content.  Whether you are looking for a Social Ecommerce Solution or a solution to convert your favorite CCK into a shopping cart, Quick2Cart is your best bet ! Know more about Quick2Cart here

How to See the demo? 

Quick2Cart being very flexible can be used in many avatars. This demo will attempt to show you all these sides of Quick2Cart's multifaceted personality !  Use the demo menu shown alongside to try each of these functions. 

Quick2Cart - Quick & Painless Ecommerce in a Single Vendor Scenario with the Native Product Manager

The best way to get a simple store online is to use Quick2Cart with the native product manager. With basic fields & a intuitive interface, you can create products with the attributes you need, setup your favourite payment gateway & go live with ease.  

Quick2Cart - The CCK Cart for Zoo, K2, FlexiContent & Joomla Content

In many cases you will want to use a full fledged content construction kit to give you lots of fields to best showcase your products. Quick2Cart supports using any of the popular CCKs like Zoo, K2, Flexicontent or even simple Joomla content for its Product management. Whether you already have a CCK based catalog you are looking to convert into a store or starting afresh, Quick2Cart as a CCK Cart can give you immense Value.

Checkout the various CCK Demos with links given under CCK integrations via the Menu alongside. 

Quick2cart as a Social Ecommerce Platform with Easysocial

Quick2Cart provides tight Social integrations with Easysocial to turn your site into an extremely Viral Social Ecommerce system. Quick2Cart is typically used as a market place when used with Social networking extensions like Easysocial. For seeing Quick2Cart in a Social context use the 'Social Ecommerce' menu along side to see various things like the Profile Store & products plugins, Activity Stream integration etc. 

Quick2Cart Marketplace with Multi Vendor & Multi Store

With the Multivendor & Multistore modes, in builder vendor payouts & commissions Quick2Cart can help you setup a great Market place on your site.  

Checkout the menu 'Multi Vendor Cart' the Menu alingside to get a feel of vendor perspective.

Quick2Cart downloadable products

Quick2Cart supports paid and free downloadable products. You can use the 'Downloadable Product' link from the Menu alongside to try them out.

You will find all the downloads which you have purchased in My Downloads link present inside Buyer's Account.


How to See the Backend(Admin) Demo?

Login  to the Admin area with provided admin user credentials on the home page.

Native Product Manager & Categories

Native product manager is a simple online store, with basic fields and attribute support. You will find all products from native product manager in Quick2Cart->Products view. You can also create or edit any product. Similarly you will find the native product manager categories in Quick2Cart->Categories .

All placed Order around site

 All orders placed on the site will be seen here. Goto Quick2Cart->Order view, to see a list of all the orders along with their payment status.

Payout reports

 Goto Quick2Cart->Payout reports view to see all payouts generated. You can also generate a new payout for a vendor.


You can create discount coupons for buyers. Goto Quick2Cart->Coupons to see a list of coupons.

Done with the Demo ? Want to Dig Deeper Still ??

Demos work great till an extent.. However,  the best way to try a product is to actually use it hands on !  

We do not offer free trials of our products, but we do have a 7 Days Money back policy.  So if the product seems like a good fit, go ahead & buy it today ! We are there to help you try it out, support you with any questions you might have ! 

Buy Quick2Cart Now 

" ["tags"]=> object(Joomla\CMS\Helper\TagsHelper)#2133 (4) { ["tagsChanged":protected]=> bool(false) ["replaceTags":protected]=> bool(false) ["typeAlias"]=> NULL ["itemTags"]=> array(0) { } } ["jcfields"]=> array(0) { } }


Flexible, Social E commerce for Joomla !

Quick2Cart is a super flexible shopping cart with Multi Vendor, Multi Store & awesome Social Integrations. Plus you have the option to use the native Product manager or integrate with CCKs like Zoo, K2 or even Joomla Content.  Whether you are looking for a Social Ecommerce Solution or a solution to convert your favorite CCK into a shopping cart, Quick2Cart is your best bet ! Know more about Quick2Cart here

How to See the demo? 

Quick2Cart being very flexible can be used in many avatars. This demo will attempt to show you all these sides of Quick2Cart's multifaceted personality !  Use the demo menu shown alongside to try each of these functions. 

Quick2Cart - Quick & Painless Ecommerce in a Single Vendor Scenario with the Native Product Manager

The best way to get a simple store online is to use Quick2Cart with the native product manager. With basic fields & a intuitive interface, you can create products with the attributes you need, setup your favourite payment gateway & go live with ease.  

Quick2Cart - The CCK Cart for Zoo, K2, FlexiContent & Joomla Content

In many cases you will want to use a full fledged content construction kit to give you lots of fields to best showcase your products. Quick2Cart supports using any of the popular CCKs like Zoo, K2, Flexicontent or even simple Joomla content for its Product management. Whether you already have a CCK based catalog you are looking to convert into a store or starting afresh, Quick2Cart as a CCK Cart can give you immense Value.

Checkout the various CCK Demos with links given under CCK integrations via the Menu alongside. 

Quick2cart as a Social Ecommerce Platform with Easysocial

Quick2Cart provides tight Social integrations with Easysocial to turn your site into an extremely Viral Social Ecommerce system. Quick2Cart is typically used as a market place when used with Social networking extensions like Easysocial. For seeing Quick2Cart in a Social context use the 'Social Ecommerce' menu along side to see various things like the Profile Store & products plugins, Activity Stream integration etc. 

Quick2Cart Marketplace with Multi Vendor & Multi Store

With the Multivendor & Multistore modes, in builder vendor payouts & commissions Quick2Cart can help you setup a great Market place on your site.  

Checkout the menu 'Multi Vendor Cart' the Menu alingside to get a feel of vendor perspective.

Quick2Cart downloadable products

Quick2Cart supports paid and free downloadable products. You can use the 'Downloadable Product' link from the Menu alongside to try them out.

You will find all the downloads which you have purchased in My Downloads link present inside Buyer's Account.


How to See the Backend(Admin) Demo?

Login  to the Admin area with provided admin user credentials on the home page.

Native Product Manager & Categories

Native product manager is a simple online store, with basic fields and attribute support. You will find all products from native product manager in Quick2Cart->Products view. You can also create or edit any product. Similarly you will find the native product manager categories in Quick2Cart->Categories .

All placed Order around site

 All orders placed on the site will be seen here. Goto Quick2Cart->Order view, to see a list of all the orders along with their payment status.

Payout reports

 Goto Quick2Cart->Payout reports view to see all payouts generated. You can also generate a new payout for a vendor.


You can create discount coupons for buyers. Goto Quick2Cart->Coupons to see a list of coupons.

Done with the Demo ? Want to Dig Deeper Still ??

Demos work great till an extent.. However,  the best way to try a product is to actually use it hands on !  

We do not offer free trials of our products, but we do have a 7 Days Money back policy.  So if the product seems like a good fit, go ahead & buy it today ! We are there to help you try it out, support you with any questions you might have ! 

Buy Quick2Cart Now 

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