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Walk in Woods

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A Walk in the Woods, contrary to the popular belief has nothing to do with peace. It’s of the feeling of helplessness that an Indian and a Pakistani diplomat come to terms with through a series of conversations. They are contrasting characters. Mr. Chinnappa is a stiff professional, while Mr. Jamal is existential. They go through a gamut of emotions in their conversations, before finally opening up to each other. The strangest part about this play is that, it doesn’t favour either side but neither is it neutral. The play can be everything you want it to be or nothing at all.
A Walk in the Woods, contrary to the popular belief has nothing to do with peace. It’s of the feeling of helplessness that an Indian and a Pakistani diplomat come to terms with through a series of conversations. They are contrasting characters. Mr. Chinnappa is a stiff professional, while Mr. Jamal is existential. They go through a gamut of emotions in their conversations, before finally opening up to each other. The strangest part about this play is that, it doesn’t favour either side but neither is it neutral. The play can be everything you want it to be or nothing at all.
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